Worker endpoint

Websocket endpoint

Worker connects the websocket on the /worker path.


Registering the gecko

The first thing to do is to register the gecko server.

    "messageType": "hello",
    "action": "worker-hello",
    "geckoId": "<gecko-id>"

Hello fields

  • messageType: hello
  • action: worker-hello
  • geckoId: The unique gecko identifier (should stay the same accross restarts)

Answering new worker demands

Receiving new worker demands

As soon as the gecko is register it will start to receive worker creation demands, of the form:

    "messageType": "new-worker",
    "userId": "<Firefox Account UserID>",
    "workerId": "<Generated Worker UUID>",
    "source": "<worker JS code source URL>",
    "webrtcOffer": "<client sdp-offer>"

When receiving this kind of request, the gecko-server should try to start the worker.

Answering with errors

In case of errors, the response should looks like:

    "messageType": "worker-error",
    "workerId": "<worker-id>",
    "errno": "<worker error number>",
    "reason": "<error reason>"

Answering with WebRTC Answer

If the Gecko was able to start the worker, it should answer with:

    "messageType": "worker-created",
    "workerId": "<worker-id>",
    "webrtcAnswer": "<gecko WebRTC answer>"

Sending ICE Candidates

Once the Answer has been sent, gecko can start to send ICE candidates.

    "messageType": "ice",
    "action": "worker-candidate",
    "candidate": {
        "candidate": "candidate:2 1 UDP 2122187007 41683 typ host",
        "sdpMid": "",
        "sdpMLineIndex": 0

ICE Candidate fields

  • messageType: ice
  • action: worker-candidate
  • candidate: A candidate object

Candidate object fields

  • candidate: The candidate content
  • sdpMid: The candidate mid
  • sdpLineIndex: The SDP Line Index

Sending the connected status

Gecko is responsible to close the connection as soon as the WebRTC data channel is up.

This is done sending this final standza:

    "messageType": "connected",
    "workerId": "<worker id>"